In the wake of COVID-19, myself and the whole Mellaris team hope we can offer you pockets of joy during these uncertain times from continuing our social media posts and newsletters. May this keep our community strong, positive and inspired as we believe a little bit of familiarity can go a long way when surrounded by the unknown.-
Over the last few days we’ve shared with one another things that have cheered us up and we hope this does the same for you too! From viral tweets and videos that have warmed our hearts, here’s a few of our favourite examples of how humanity continues to offer kindness and laughter no matter the circumstances.
One of our favourite thoughtful acts this week was from luxury goods company, LVMH. The billionaire tycoon, Bernard Arnault, announced how his company LVMH will utilise their perfume factories to begin producing hand sanitiser for France. Whilst their factories usually see perfume and make-up for luxury labels such as Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior through their production lines, yet within 72 hours of their announcement LVMH was on track for hitting their target of donating 12 tonnes of hand sanitiser to 39 hospitals by the end of the week.-
Meanwhile, back across the pond The National Trust voiced plans to keep as many of its parks and gardens open to the general public for free. Whilst the charity announced via a statement on Twitter that their shops and cafes will close form the 20th March to keep inline with the Prime Minister’s advice, they also added they wish to keep many of their spaces open to encourage the public to get fresh air and look after their wellbeing by enjoying nature during this time.-
Some of our other favourite moments this week of course came from Twitter. The platform that will always make you laugh and is always on the ball has produced a lot of viral content that has sparked joy in response to the virus. A personal favourite included advice on couples suddenly co-working together that offered a light hearted solution to avoiding any arguments!-
One place we’ll all definitely be turning to during this uncertain time is Netflix, and in a bid to keep us connected the streaming platforms has introduced a new feature! The new Netflix Party is the perfect way to watch your favourite tv series and films with your friends in synchronisation and is a great response to the apart but together campaign that is circulating. This handy new feature also has a group chat so you can discuss your favourite character, recite quotes ahead of iconic scenes and declare your undying love for any dreamy male lead.-
For those who want to shop with us, we’re open at Mellaris.com and are offering a discount code for the foreseeable future for those who wish to support small businesses like ourselves. We appreciate everyone's continuous support and ask you to continue spreading kindness to any small business whether it be simply through a 'like' or share.
Please stay safe and take care of one another wherever you are.
Thank you,
Mellaris Team x